Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Jeffrey Faherty.
Hi thank you for taking the time to visit my rrpicturarchives.net page. Let me start by saying I am Jeff Faherty. Ive been a railfan for as long as I can remember. However I only began taking photos of trains about four to five years ago. Before that for about two-three years I would video tape all the trains I saw. I now shoot digital and have been since 2004. My first camera was a Sony DsC P8 cnd in July of 2005 I purchased a Sony DSC H1 5mp digital camera which I currently use. As for my photos many are taken along the NYSW in New Jersey. Other lines that I shoot are CSX's Riverline, Norfolk Southern's Buffalo Line and Pittsburgh Line, along with that I also have some photos of New Jersey Transit and Lycoming Valley Railroad action. Well I hope you enjoy looking at my photos and once again thank you for stopping by.
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!